Rare Little Bird Pictures INC. is an Independent Canadian production company dedicated to produce and represent content for digital and traditional platforms. We work in partnership with co-producers and directors specializing in bold, unique character driven narratives. Our goal is to bring original stories to life and execute them for both North American and International audiences.

Rare Little Bird Pictures is the creative partnership of David Milchard and Christina Sicoli.

With over 25 years of industry experience combined, both are critically acclaimed for their individual talents as creators, actors, writers, and producers. Established in 2014, they decided to launch their artist-driven production company. Rare Little Bird Pictures aspires to pave the way for creative and innovative works with heart, quirk, and edge. Working alongside highly motivated collaborators who think outside the box, they hope to bring fresh, exciting stories that have the potential for both critical and commercial success.


Contact | info@christina-sicoli.com


PARANORMAL SOLUTIONS INC season 3 . actor/co-writer

FUCKING IDIOTS (Rare Little Bird Pictures Inc, Tilt 9 Entertainment, Concept Productions) . feature film . Executive Producer/Actress

NESTING/CONVOS WITH MY 2 YEAR OLD (8 is Great Productions) . digital series . Writer/Producer/Actress

CHRIS RONSON: PROFESSIONAL POLICE OFFICER(Rare Little Bird Pictures) . feature . pre-production . Actress/Writer/Producer

SMALL COP (Rare Little Bird Pictures) . digital series . Actress/Writer/Producer

PARANORMAL SOLUTIONS INC. (Telus Optik/Rare Little Bird Pictures/Sociable Films) . Actress/Executive Producer

SUNNY HEARTS (Telus Optik/Gonzo TV) . digital series . Actress/contributing writer

LUCILLE IN LOVE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU (XIAO LI TAN Productions/a RARE LITTLE BIRD picture) . short . Creator/Writer/Producer/Actress

LUCILLE IN LOVE: I SAW YOU (XIAO LI TAN Productions/a RARE LITTLE BIRD picture) . short . Creator/Writer/Producer/Actress

inSAYSHAble (Minds Eye Entertainment) .  web-series . Co-Writer/Actress

TIGHT WHITE JEANS (a Rare Little Bird picture) . music video . Writer/Producer/Actress

AFTER PARTY (Sociable films) . feature . Actress/Producer

CONVOS WITH MY 2 YEAR OLD (Coco Milk Productions) . web-series . Actress . 3rd AD

60 SECOND TIPS WITH SICOLI . digital series . Actress/Writer/Producer

THE STAFF ROOM web-series .  Actress

THE ACTING CLASS web-series . Actress 

WILD ROSE solo show . Actress/Writer/Producer


….And By The Way Miss co-creator, PlayWrites Canada Press

Make it stand out

we always create with a sense of play.